Lucy Gosling's Year 12 Media Studies Blog

In my blog you will see all the work I have done to
come to my final Music Magazine creation and all the research and planning that came with it. Enjoy (:

Monday, 17 October 2011

Audience Research Film

final video from Lucy Gosling on Vimeo.

Here I have gone around and asked a variety of people what they think of when I say Modern Music and filmed them. With my footage I have then created a short film that comes together to describe 'Modern Music'.
From this I have learnt what my target audience think about the genre of Modern Music, my target audience being the age range of 14-20 year olds and a mixed gender means I have gained information that can help me create an attractive magazine for my target audience that includes the information and features they are familiar with the genre of Modern Music.
For example, from this I have learn that Modern music can be seen as not just one genre but a variety such as aacoustic and R&B. This puts pressure on me as a magazine maker to spell out the genre in which I will dedicate my magazine to. This then tells my readers what they are buying and what the magazine will be about. The film tells me Modern Music can be seen as most popular chart music. This is what i will focus on, I will include interviews on the number ones of the week/month and include information on there albums or other songs in which they have made.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic start Lucy - well done. Have you decided on a music genre for your magazine? CHA
