Lucy Gosling's Year 12 Media Studies Blog

In my blog you will see all the work I have done to
come to my final Music Magazine creation and all the research and planning that came with it. Enjoy (:

Monday, 12 December 2011

Audience Feedback

Audience feedback is important as the people I asked to look and feedback on my magazine and those who will actually go into a store and potentially buy my magazine. Taking on board the feedback they give and maybe making it real and improving my magazine due to their feedback can make my magazine connect more to my target audience and work more to how their perfect music magazine would look like.
When taking my audience feedback, I tried a variety of different ways to open up to my audience and to help me to help them have a better magazine with their feedback.

I have opened up my audience feedback to the online social network Facebook which is very much popular with my target age and audience and also connects to the fact on my magazine I show a link to my magazine on a Facebook Group.

Taking my work and creating them into one big image, I posted them onto facebook and tagged friends to comment on my work and say what they think about it such as the areas of strength and the areas that could be improved. I made this a public post so that even though I tagged some of my own friends, members who saw the post were still able to comment on it and give there feedback as all feedback is welcome.

Here are a couple of the comments I received back. You can see the difference with language and presentation when using social networking.
Theresa Brown It would look bit more informal if yu like overlapped and tilted pictures and text more, like you did in the contents page but in the double page spread, but that's just fussy :L  
Beth Neave Agree with Theresa :) just make the contents page more busy and fill in any white spaces... The front cover is really good! And over all it looks great :) x
I also gave out sheets to people around my school, mixed ages and to both males and females and let them fill out the sheets again looking at what they found successful and what they also think could be improved on.

When giving out the feedback sheets I made sure I handed them out to a variety of different genders and ages between 16-20 years of age. Looking back at my feedback this is the type of information and advise I got given.
Good range of different shots and photos
Clear and easy to read front cover with good use of colour
Good and interesting design layout but still clear and not too fussy
Young and cool language which is suitable for the target audience/market
Eye catching different fonts, drawing audience into the interview with 'Passion In America'
Good to have questions from the reader- makes it engaging and reachable to market

Few more items written on the front page to reach a larger range of different people
The layout of some of the answers following the questions need slight rearranging
Rid of pixilation in the title 'NewSound'

So looking back at my feedback I feel it is important for myself to look at my magazine and see where this feedback is coming from, see their point of view and then act upon them. All of the positives I was extremely pleased with due to my hard work to get my audience to notice these details and understand them and have them as visible that I have used certain colours and fonts and different ranges of camera shots. Looking at the improvements I want to see how I can now take this information and advise on board and act upon them. So the first point, I see that more needs to be added to the front, for this I may see if I can make what I do have on my front cover a bit more bigger and visual for others to see. The second point is that I need rearranging of the text, this is an easy situation that I can work with and change. The third point is a little harder and more technical so improving my title I may edit it on Photo shop and smooth out the edges and blur it slightly to rid of the high amount of pixilation that is visible. I am very pleased with all my feedback and this is what feedback is for, looking and changing and continuously developing and improving to always show that I am learning in and taking everything in and soaking it up in my head and therefore improving my magazine for the better.

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